thinkbrave. for offsite steel construction.
Products & Solutions.
We Deliver Automation Solutions for All Things Steel.
Robotic Material Handling
Automated Fixturing
Welding & Fastening
Cutting & Milling
Pipe Welding
2D/3D Volumetric Module Assembly
Solutions powered by CAD2FAB™ can help you.
Automation will reduce the need for retooling, reteaching, and retouching. It will address the shortage of skilled labour. It will enable health & safety improvements and increase productivity, quality, and consistency.
Get up to a 10x increase in quality and production output when you automate the manufacturing process with Robotic Material Handling, Robotic Screw Fastening, and Alternative Joining Technologies.
Technical Showcase.
2D Automated High-Volume Weld Cell.
Brave’s 2D automated high-volume weld cell solution features material handling robots that are used to place tooling and the frame material. Servos move the fixture into the welding position. Bridge-mounted robots execute welds to secure the frame for transfer to finalize the welding process.
The high volume weld cell is powered by CAD2FAB™, which creates customized programming for various frame sizes.
Technical Showcase.
2D Automated High-Volume Weld Cell.
Brave’s 2D automated high-volume weld cell solution features material handling robots that are used to place tooling and the frame material. Servos move the fixture into the welding position. Bridge-mounted robots execute welds to secure the frame for transfer to finalize the welding process.
The high volume weld cell is powered by CAD2FAB™, which creates customized programming for various frame sizes.